Friday, October 14, 2011


I think the way beliefs change is a very interesting subject. Religion seems similar to a collaborative idea that mutates as it spreads. For example people have a will to spread Christianity but Christianity does not look the same in Latin America as it does in Spain or France. I believe that ones surroundings will influence how they read the bible or any religious scriptures. For example two conventional methods of studying religion include Theology and Religious studies. Theology is studying religion from the inside. In essence studying the beliefs in their application. Religious studies aims to study the religion using comprehensive historical methods and not necessarily applying it to ones self. It is not always practical to read the Bible in the same terms in church as in a religious studies class. The contexts of ones surroundings are very important when working on matters of religion because; there are so many ambiguous signs.
            St. Augustine suggests that people do not correctly interpret the signs. Many people take expressions in the bible literally when they are just meant figuratively. Part of the reason for this as St. Augustine suggests is that reading in large groups can lead to misinterpretation, because much of the bible and the psalms can be confusing in it’s context. Sometimes things are meant literally and sometimes they are meant figuratively. There are also concepts that can’t be applied to religion today. It is interesting trying to find the balance between religion and actual interpretation, between reading in large groups and personally. Religion seems to be all about finding a balance between two extremes. People are quick to suggest that there is a right way and a wrong way to practice religion. I believe more in the middle ground.
            Having said this I think it is important to keep in mind that ambiguous signs in the Psalms are very controversial. People need to be very thoughtful about the messages they interpret and as Augustine suggests look for the good in religious text, instead of interpreting it in a way that will cause spite towards our neighbors. 


  1. Very nice insight. I do sometimes feel that people take certain things in the bible to literally. People speaking out against certain groups of people tend to take the bible's words at face value and not take into account that religion changes as social structures and norms change.

  2. This is too stream of consciousness in style.. I'd like to see an argument.
